If you are still looking for table furniture, this is not the page but I suggest not buying pine.

Tables Part II

Options on the <TR> tag

The most useful option on the <TR> tag is to set the background color of a row. Using the table
<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=white>
	<TH>upper left</TH>
	<TH>col header 1</TH>
	<TH>col header 2</TH>
	<TH>col header 3</TH>
	<TH>row header 1</TH>
	<TD> this is row 1 column 1 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 1 column 2 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 1 column 3 </TD>
	<TH>row header 2</TH>
	<TD> this is row 2 column 1 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 2 column 2 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 2 column 3 </TD>
By changing the first <TR> to <TR bgcolor="silver"> produces
upper left col header 1 col header 2 col header 3
row header 1 this is
row 1 column 1
this is
row 1 column 2
this is
row 1 column 3
row header 2 this is
row 2 column 1
this is
row 2 column 2
this is
row 2 column 3

Options on the <TD> and <TH> tag

Background Color

Like <TR>, the color on either the <TD> or <TH> tag can be changed. Changing the colors or the row headings to gray and the cell in the first row, second column to #FFFAB9
<TABLE border =0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=white>

<TR bgcolor="gray">
	<TH>upper left</TH>
	<TH>col header 1</TH>
	<TH>col header 2</TH>
	<TH>col header 3</TH>
	<TH bgcolor=silver>row header 1</TH>
	<TD> this is row 1 column 1 </TD>
	<TD bgcolor="#FFFAB9"> this is row 1 column 2 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 1 column 3 </TD>
	<TH bgcolor=silver>row header 2</TH>
	<TD> this is row 2 column 1 </TD>
	<TD  > this is row 2 column 2 </TD>
	<TD> this is row 2 column 3 </TD>

upper left col header 1 col header 2 col header 3
row header 1 this is row 1 column 1 this is row 1 column 2 this is row 1 column 3
row header 2 this is row 2 column 1 this is row 2 column 2 this is row 2 column 3

Row and Column Span

Any cell can span multiple rows or columns. Give a 3 row by 4 column table:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

I now wish to have cell 2 (row 1 column 2) to span two columns. This requires the elimination of the cell containing 3. I then change the <TD> entry for cell 2 to be <TD colspan=2>. The HTML now looks like:

	<TD colspan=2>2</TD>


The table is:
1 2 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

One can also span rows by using ROWSPAN= within a <TD>. The following table has the cell containing 1 (row 1, column 1) spanning three rows. I will also need to eliminate one <TD> in row two and three (cells containing 5 and 9). This table looks like:
1 2 4
6 78
10 11 12

Cells can span rows and columns. To have the cell containing 7 span 2 rows and two columns, the <TD> for cells 8, and 11 need to be deleted. The <TD> for cell 7 is changed to <TD rowspan=2 colspan=2>
1 2 4
6 7

For better visual, the width of the above table was set at 70%.

Alignment Within the Cells

As mentioned back in Tables (part 1), the <TH> automcatically centers text within cells. Default alignment of text (and images) within a cell can be overridden by specfying an ALIGN= for horizontal alignment and VALIGN= for vertical alignment. The values for alignment are TOP, CENTER and BOTTOM.

In the prior table, I want the 7 to be centered within the cell, the 1 appear in the center but at the top of the cell and the 6 to be centered.

The table:

<TABLE BORDER width=70%>
	<TD rowspan=3>1</TD>
	<TD colspan=2>2</TD>
	<TD rowspan=2 colspan=2>7</TD>

has the following changes made (note the black text):

<TABLE BORDER width=70%>
	<TD rowspan=3 align=center valign=top>1</TD>
	<TD colspan=2>2</TD>
	<TD align=center >6</TD>
	<TD rowspan=2 colspan=2 align=center valign=center>7</TD>

1 2 4
6 7

Onto Tables Part III